Watermelon Face Masks That You should Try This Season

Is your skin ready for summer? If no, then you can prepare yourself with these watermelon face masks this season.Watermelon consists of 93 percent water, so it not only helps to hydrate us but also keeps your skin fresh and radiant. It is also loaded with many important vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, E, C and B6.
But did you know that apart from its health benefits, watermelons can even help in enhancing your beauty? Yes, you just read that right! Watermelons can be used in the form of masks and packs to gain a young and beautiful skin.
We all have some common skin problems like skin tan, blemishes, dry skin, etc. For all these, you have an all-in-one solution and that is, watermelon. Being a common fruit, it can be easily found, especially during the summer season. So, the next time you eat a watermelon, you could use it externally to pamper your skin.
Now, you must be wondering how to use them. Do not worry. This article will give you a complete guide on the benefits of watermelons for your skin and how you can use them in the form of packs and masks to get that beautiful and flawless skin.
Watermelon Yogurt
Yogurt contains lactic acid and helps in removing the dead skin cells. With continuous use, this makes your skin look younger and healthier. The combination of both yogurt and watermelon will help you in achieving a soft and supple skin.
You just need to mix together some watermelon juice and 1 tablespoon of yogurt in a bowl. Apply this paste on your face. Leave this mask on for 20 minutes and wash it off in normal water.
Watermelon Honey
This face mask will be helpful for those who want to get rid of tanned and damaged skin quickly. Watermelon helps in soothing sun damage.
Just mix equal amount of honey and cold watermelon juice. Mix it properly. First, wash your skin and pat dry. Now, apply it on your face and neck. Let it stay for 30 minutes and then wash it off.
Watermelon Avocado
As it contains vitamin E which makes your skin soft and supple, avocado helps you to prevent acne and fine lines.
Take one or two cubes of watermelon. After that, add half an avocado along with watermelon in a bowl.
Mash both the ingredients with a fork or you can blend them as well. Now, apply this face mask to freshly washed face. Let it stay for a good 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, wash it off with water.
Watermelon Cucumber
The pigment in red watermelons works as a natural sunscreen protector and heals sunburns. Cucumber also helps in cooling the skin and hydrating it.
Take 1 tablespoon of watermelon juice or pulp in a bowl and add 1 tablespoon of cucumber juice. Mix them together and apply this paste on your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse it off in normal water.
Watermelon Banana
Banana contains vitamin B complex, which reduces the inflammation caused by acne. So when we combine these two ingredients together, it will help to heal acne and make your skin really very soft.
In a bowl, take one or two cubes of watermelon. After that, take half a banana and mash both the ingredients. After mashing, mix them properly. Apply this face mask on all over your face or neck too.
Let it stay for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash it off with water.
Watermelon Milk
Milk is a natural and great moisturizer; it also shrinks your large pores, it's good for sunburns and helps to remove sunspots.
In a bowl, take one tablespoon of watermelon juice. Add one tablespoon of raw milk. If you do not find raw milk, you can also use milk powder. Mix both the ingredients properly. Apply this face mask to your clean face. Let it stay for 20 to 25 minutes. Wash it off with water.
Watermelon Aloe Vera
Aloe vera helps to heal sunburn, wounds, inflammation caused by acne. It is also a natural moisturizer that keeps the skin hydrated.
Take aloe vera leaf, cut the outer part, peel the leaf and scoop out the gel with a knife or with a spoon.
Now, take one tablespoon of watermelon juice and one tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Mix them together very well. Apply it on your skin and leave for 15 minutes. Wash it off with water.
Watermelon Mint Leaves
Mint leaves have antibacterial properties and it is used in cleansers, astringents, toners and moisturizers.
Take a handful of mint leaves and crush them. Add 2-3 tablespoons of watermelon pulp or juice into it. Apply this thick paste on your face and neck. Leave it for 20-30 minutes. After 30 minutes, rinse it off in cold water.