Get Rid Of Blackheads Permanently With These Face Masks

Since the onset of puberty, all that a girl dreams of is to have a flawless skin. However, not many people have that. Even among those who do, there are very few people who can actually maintain the same throughout their lifetime.
While the range of problems that your skin goes through is from that of pimples and acne in early childhood to that of blemishes and wrinkles later on, one thing that is a constant nuisance are blackheads.
Although this skin problem is seen predominantly in women with oily skin, there are very few people who can claim to have not been a victim to this at all. It is the excess production of sebum that is responsible for the blockage of hair follicles.
As more and more sebum accumulates and the clogged pores become larger. Consequently, air enters the pores and oxidizes whatever is in it. This leads to yellowish or blackish appearance on the outer surface of the skin.
Please note that if you do not keep a check on your blackheads, they will lead to the formation of permanent pores. Hence, the best way to deal with this is to nib the problem in the bud and remove them permanently as soon as they make their first appearance.
To be able to do so, here are 10 face masks that will make your life blackhead free, once and for all.
1. Egg White Mask
This mask is most apt for people with an oily skin. Here, all you have to do is mix one egg white with a teaspoon of honey and then apply the same on your face. Once it dries, you can wash it off with lukewarm water. By doing this, once or twice a week, you will ensure that the dead skin cells do not accumulate on your face and that there are no blackhead appearances.
2. Cinnamon Mask
This mask needs to be applied a little more frequently as compared to the egg white mask. You need to apply it up to four times in a week. Here, you need to mix a couple of tablespoons of cinnamon powder with two tablespoons of lemon juice. This is then applied to the blackheads that are present on the face. In case you have blackheads in other areas of the body (like neck, shoulder or back), you can apply the same mixture there as well. The same needs to be rinsed off after 20 minutes.
3. Aloe Vera Mask
This is one blackhead mask that is suited for all skin types and in people across all age groups. Here, all that you have to do is extract fresh gel from an aloe vera leaf and apply it uniformly all over your face. You then leave the same for about 10 minutes. After that period, the skin is rinsed with lukewarm water. Applying this mask on a daily basis will ensure that you have a tighter and smoother skin and that there is no room for open pores.
4. Turmeric Paste
Here, all that you have to do is mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder with two tablespoons of fresh mint juice in order to form a paste. Curcumin is the main ingredient of turmeric. It is antimicrobial in nature and removes the bacteria that are present in the skin's pores. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make the paste safe for all skin types. The paste is applied to the areas that have blackheads and the same is allowed to stand for 10 to 15 minutes before being rinsed off.
5. Fenugreek Mask
This mask is one of the easiest to prepare and is also suitable for all skin types. Here, all that you have to do is grind the fenugreek leaves into a paste with water and then apply the same on the affected areas. After about 10 minutes, the same is rinsed off with water. This mask needs to be applied only once a week. One possible side effect of this mask is the fact that it may leave the skin dry. In case such a thing does happen, you need to make sure that you apply a moisturizer every time after you rinse off the mask.
6. Tomato
The presence of lycopene in tomato makes it exert its antioxidant effect on the skin and remove all damage-causing free radicals. To make the most out of it, all that you have to do is mash up a tomato and apply the same over the blackheads. In case you have a sensitive skin, you can dilute the same with water. Do so while heading for your bed at night and wash it off with lukewarm water in the morning. You will be amazed to see the fast action that this mask has on blackheads.
7. Clay Mask
Here, all you have to do is make a paste of spoon dropping consistency by mixing clay with water. This paste is then applied all over the body (and not only on the areas that have blackheads). This mask is allowed to stand for a couple of minutes before being rinsed off with lukewarm water. This mask is suitable for people of all skin types. For those who have sensitive skin, it is recommended that they use raw milk instead of water. For those with dry skin, use of a moisturizer post rinsing of the mask, which is highly recommended.
8. Charcoal Mask
For this you need to remove activated charcoal from two such activated charcoal capsules and mix it with half a teaspoon of mixing clay. Water is added to the mixture to get a spoon-dropping consistency. This is then applied all over the face and allowed to dry. Once it dries, it is washed off and a layer of moisturizer is applied. This mask is most suitable for oily and acne-prone skin. Ideally, this pack should be applied twice a week.
9. Aspirin Mask
For this mask, crush 4 to 5 aspirin tablets and mix them with water to form a paste. Based on your skin type, add almond oil or lemon juice to it. People with dry skin should apply almond oil, while those with oily skin should opt for lemon juice. Make sure that you are very careful with the choice of ingredients here.
Using oil on oily skin will initiate acne, while using lemon juice on dry skin will cause it to become all the way drier. The paste is applied on the area with blackheads and it is allowed to stand for about 10 to 12 minutes. After that, the same is rinsed off with lukewarm water.
10. Strawberry Mask
For this yummy mask all that you have to do is to crush one strawberry and add half a teaspoon of honey to it. Half a teaspoon of lemon juice is added to the same and all of it is mixed to a coarse paste that is then applied on the skin and allowed to stand for 15 to 20 minutes. The same is then rinsed with cold water. This mask is suitable for all skin types.