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The 5 Hormonal Blocks that make it impossible to lose weight…

Plus, the 30 Second Fix unclogged my hormones and had me dropping pound-after-pound in under a week.

Discovering these 5 Hormonal Blocks
changed my life…

             Buy Now

And what’s even better…

Is that the weight has stayed off too…

Even though I didn’t make drastic changes to my diet…

Or have to cut out a whole bunch of my favorite foods.

             Buy Now

“The vast majority of our weight challenges
are hormonal…

And they almost always come down to
5 Hormonal Blocks”

So I worked out even harder, and ate even cleaner…

Yet by the time I hit my mid-thirties…

Things had gone from bad to worst…

Because not only was I starting to gain more fat around my tummy and my thighs…

I started experiencing these waves anxiety that would hit me out of nowhere…

My energy felt ZAPPED all of the time…

Plus my sleep was getting worse and worse:


Or I’d get into bed exhausted…

Then suddenly get these booming adrenaline rushes.

It felt like my brain was shutting off on me…

I had the hardest time focusing at my job…

And even little things…

Like trying to help my children with their homework…

Became very hard because I just couldn’t focus.

 Buy Now

Hormonal Fix #1:

As you’ll remember…

When your thyroid isn’t producing enough of its two main hormones – T3 and T4…

Then these hormones can’t regulate your metabolism like they should…

And fat storage, brain fog, and fatigue can all occur.

Well as Dr. Wood explained…

Then make sure these hormones get released into your bloodstream…

That way they’re able to control your metabolism…

And the fastest way to produce more T3 and T4 hormones…

Is to get more iodine into your diet…


Because as I mentioned earlier…

It sounds simple…

But a recent study found that at least 2 Billion people are deficient in iodine …

And if your thyroid’s not getting enough iodine…

Then how can it make enough of the T3 and T4 hormones needed to control your metabolism?

It can’t…

In a major double-blind clinical trial published in the American College of Endocrinology…

It was found that “short-term dietary supplementation with kelp significantly increases both basal and poststimulation TSH [thyroid hormones].

In another major study that was published in the journal Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology…

Researchers found that when human subjects were given a daily supplement of kelp…

It “restored their thyroid function and normalized their UICs [urinary iodine concentration].”ii

And in yet another large study that was published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology out of Oxford…

Researchers found that supplementing with just a moderate dose of iodine rich kelp extract improved the production of both T3 and T4.iii

Because these essential minerals help transport T3 and T4 into your bloodstream…

Where they power your metabolism and your cells.

For example, a 2016 study in the Journal of Environmental Health found that supplementing with these minerals led to higher levels of T3 and T4 in the bloodstream…iv

While in a 2014 study published in the journal Biological Trace Elements Research…

It was found that thyroid-stimulating hormones were raised significantly in test subjects who were given a supplementary dosage of Copper, Manganese, Selenium, and Zinc.v

So this takes care of the hormonal block that’s happening in your thyroid…

But we’ve still got four more places we need to get unstuck…

So let’s keep going and turn our attention to:

Hormonal Fix #2:


As a quick reminder…

Ongoing stress can lead to an overproduction of a hormone called cortisol…

And when cortisol levels remain high…

It can lead to a weakened metabolism, immune system, and even brain.

So when it comes to addressing this hormonal block…

The one and only goal is to naturally lower cortisol levels.

One way to do that is to never become stressed…

But that’s a lot easier said than done…

And if you’re a busy parent…

Have a thriving career…

Or really just live in the U.S. in the year 2019…

Eliminating stress from your life completely just isn’t very realistic.

This is why Dr. Wood recommends supplementing your diet with Rhodiola Rosea…

Which has been proven in numerous clinical trials to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Support normal cortisol production
  • And help the body burn fat.

Rhodiola is a flowering plant that grows in the remote regions of the Arctic...

And in a major randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled study published in the Journal Planta Medica…

When researchers gave test subjects either 576 mg of Rhodiola extract, or a placebo, for 28 days.

They found that while the placebo group showed zero improvements…

The Rhodiola group had produced significantly less excess cortisol…

Even when they were presented with stressful situations…

Plus they also showed less fatigue and better mental performance as well.vi

Numerous double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled trials have also found Rhodiola to…

Reduce stress, improve mental performance, and decrease fatigue…vii viii ix x xi

It’s no wonder Rhodiola was used extensively for years by the Russian Olympic medical training team to help their athletes optimize their performance and recoup faster from grueling training sessions.

But most excitingly of all…

Significantly increase the rate at which our bodies burn fatxii

Reduce the content of bad, fatty acids in the bloodstreamxiii

And reduce the build-up of visceral white fatxiv

In addition to Rhodiola…

Because numerous studies have found that this root extract decreases cortisol levels and reduce stress…xv xvi xvii xviii

Which is a finding that’s backed up by another 2014 human study…

Where researchers found Red Ginseng to exert a “weight loss effect.”xx

Honestly both Rhodiola and Ginseng are such exciting ingredients that I could go on and on about them…

But we still have three more hormonal fixes to get to…

So let’s keep trucking along.

Hormonal Fix #3:

As you’ll recall, having erratic estrogen levels can lead to weight gain.

That’s why Dr. Wood told me that I should consider supplementing my diet with diindolylmethane (or DIM for short).

And a 2017 study published in the journal Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy…

Which was the largest human study on the effects of DIM on human ever undertaken…

A team of 8 leading scientists found that DIM led to a “favorable shift in estrogen metabolism”…

And concluded that this research led them to support the use of DIM as a dietary supplement.xxi

Meanwhile, in another human study, this one published in the journal Thyroid…

It was found that when patients received a DIM supplement for just 14 days…

DIM “modulated estrogen metabolism”…

Which really means that it shifts how estrogen is broken down in the liver into “healthier hormonal metabolites” that are linked with lower risk of various cancers and estrogen/progesterone imbalance symptoms such as difficult or irregular periods, fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease and more…

Instead of either too high, or too low…

Which is when fat accumulation is most likely to occur.xxii

Plus, in a 2017 study published in the journal of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research…

When an international team of researchers from Purdue University and Seoul, South Korea looked at the effects of DIM…

They found that it “suppresses high-fat diet-induced obesity”…

Which led them to conclude that DIM has the potential to help protect against ongoing weight gain.xxiii

Alright so let’s keep things rolling…

By turning our attention to:

Hormonal Fix #4:

When your insulin levels are continuously elevated…

It can lead to your body storing more and more of the nutrients you eat as fat…

Which is one of the many reasons we want to keep our insulin levels in a normal, healthy range.

The good news here is that is absolutely achievable…

And there are a few approaches you can take.

Since those are three things that can spike your insulin levels.


Dr. Wood absolutely recommends cutting back on those things as much as possible....

And the reason why…

Is because cinnamon is one of the best studied and scientifically supported ingredients out there….

When it comes to supporting healthy insulin levels.

In a 2015 study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine…

Which was randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled…

Researchers gave 173 adults either 500 mg of cinnamon extract, or a placebo, for two months…

And at the end of this 180 day period…

The placebo group showed no significant changes…

While the cinnamon group showed reduced insulin levels, lower cholesterol levels, and less erratic blood sugar…

Plus those who took the cinnamon supplement also showed a reduction in their Body Mass Index, or BMI.xxiv

Additionally, in a 2018 study, published in the journal Phytotherapy Research…

Which was also randomized, placebo-controlled, and double-blind…

Researchers worked with 66 women who had erratic insulin AND estrogen….

And gave half of them a cinnamon supplement, and half a placebo.

The researchers found that at the end of 12 weeks…

“Supplementation of cinnamon significantly reduced fasting insulin” when compared to the placebo…

Plus it also helped to support healthy estrogen levels too.xxv

Those are just two of numerous double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled trials on cinnamon…xxvi xxvii xxviii

You should know that:

In a 2017 randomized, double-blind, and placebo controlled trial of 116 overweight individuals

It was found that taking a cinnamon supplement led to a significant decrease in waist circumference…xxix

In another 2017 study, this one published in Scientific Reports…

It was found that cinnamon supplementation increased fat burning and reduced fat tissue dramaticallyxxx

While in a major 2019 review published in Clinical Nutrition looked at 12 trials on cinnamon that included 786 human subjects…

A team of 6 scientists found that regular cinnamon supplementation led to decreased body weight, decreased BMI, decreased waist circumference, and decreased fat mass in adults.xxxi

Pretty awesome, right?

And really these results do make sense…

And cinnamon is proven to directly help support healthy insulin levels.

And if you’ve missed any of the ingredients I mentioned so far don’t worry…

Because after we get through this last hormonal fix…

I’m going to repeat the entire list of ingredients for you.


Hormonal Fix #5:

As you’ll remember…

Leptin is your “fullness hormone”…

Which can happen as a result of the four other hormonal blocks we’ve discussed…

You’d think that would be a good thing…

Since Leptin makes you “full”

But when we produce too much leptin…

Our brain starts to ignore leptin’s message…

So instead of feeling fuller…

Well fortunately…

It just takes adding a single ingredient to your diet…

In a major randomized and placebo-controlled trial published in the journal of Lipids…

Researchers found that supplementing with African Mango for just 4 weeks improved body weight, body fat, and waist circumference…

And also led to “significant improvements in leptin levels when compared with the placebo group.xxxii

Meanwhile, a 2011 study from Drexel University found that African Mango:

“Is effective in reducing body weight and improving metabolic parameters in overweight

Plus research published in the Journal of Obesity concluded that:

Leptin levels decrease in patients given African Mangoxxxiv

And in recent review of three randomized trials that included 208 participants…

Researchers found that the average weight loss when supplementing with African Mango…

Was a staggering 26lbs…

Compared to just 1.5lbs for the placebo groups.xxxv

Alright, so just to recap one more time…

Here’s the entire list of ingredients
that Dr. Wood shared with me…

For Thyroid Hormones:
Kelp, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese

Plus, Dr. Wood also recommends adding in B12 and Bladderwrack (another type of iodine-rich seaweed) too…


For Cortisol

Rhodiola Rosea Extrat and Red Ginseng


For Estrogen

DIM (Diindolylmethane)


For Insulin



For Leptin

African Mango

And now that you know all of this…

You’re probably asking two
pretty obvious questions:

Where can I find the best sources for each of these ingredients…

And how much of each ingredient do I need to add to my diet?

Something that doesn’t require you to order a bunch of exotic fruits or seaweed online…

Or to spend hundreds of dollars ordering a dozen+ supplements from all over the web.

You see…

As Dr. Wood continued to work on
these 5 Hormonal Blocks…

He realized that while there are ton of products out there that target these blocks individually…

That was a big problem…

Because fixing one of these blocks…

Like your thyroid hormones…

Is a great start…

But if the other four hormonal blocks remain unaddressed…

You’re still going to struggle to lose weight and feel 100%.

It’s a lot like pouring water into a bucket
that has five holes at the bottom…

 the water will drain a little bit slower…

But it’s still going to all pour out.

 the water will drain slower still…

But before long, the bucket will be empty again.

If you want the bucket to remain full…

Well it’s the same thing here…

Fixing one, or even three of your hormonal blocks…

It can slow things down a little bit…

But if you really want to fix things…

So you’re filled with energy…

And experience thriving, fat-burning metabolism…

And because there wasn’t any solution out there that addressed all 5 of these hormonal blocks…

Dr. Wood realized he’d need to make one himself…

So he hit the lab

And after months of research, testing, and experimentation…

Something that has the absolute best forms of all 13 ingredients Dr. Wood recommends…

And that contains these ingredients in the same dosages as were used in many of the studies you saw today.


Because that’s how much cinnamon people were given in the studies on cinnamon and insulin…

Because that’s how much was included in the studies on Rhodiola and Cortisol…

Because that’s how much was included in the studies on African Mango and Leptin.

And Dr. Wood did this for the thyroid hormone supporting ingredients too…

Along with the amount of estrogen-regulating DIM that he added as well.

Dr. Wood calls this formula HB5…

And HB5 stands for “Hormonal Balance 5”…

Because this breakthrough is designed to support the balance of 5 crucial hormones in your body…

Thyroid Hormones, Cortisol, Estrogen, Insulin, and Leptin.

I started having more energy in the morning…

That energy was lasting through the day, without any spikes and crashes…

Plus I was sleeping through the night and actually waking up feeling rested.


It felt like the fog around my brain was lifting for the first time in ages…

And I found myself smiling a whole lot of the day…

Because my mood was just so much better.

For me personally, I lost 34lbs in just over 3 months of using HB5...

And while everyone’s body is different and results will always vary…

I’m excited to say that I’m far from the only person who loves their experience with HB5.

Mary-Anne in Arkansas says…

“I had my doubts, but a week after using HB5 my husband noticed I didn’t have problems getting up in the morning. I was also sleeping better. I had more energy throughout the day, and I felt so good I started going to Yoga again. I missed feeling like this! Now I’m back and my husband and kids are so happy. Oh and I didn’t even get to the weight loss. The numbers on the scale are ticking down instead of up. This is the first time in a long time that’s happened. I’m so pleased and thankful!”

Once I fixed these 5 Hormonal Blocks,
I lost 34lbs in just under 90 days...