5 Ways Beetroot Is A Blessing For Your Skin

Beauty is always the secret behind the attitude that serves as the ultimate way to achieve the winning position. Let's see how beetroot can help us to achieve that ageless beauty that you secretly always dream of. Do check yourself for any allergy or side effects by taking small quantity of juice initially. You can also dilute the beetroot juice with water or with other fruit juice to avoid any side effect.

* Acne and Pimple Free Skin

Beetroot is rich in skin enhancing nutrients and very effective for oily and acne prone skin. Drinking beetroot juice regularly helps prevent.

* Glowing skin

Beetroot juice being a rich source of iron, vitamins and minerals can give you healthy and glowing skin. If inner body is healthy, it is sure to reflect on the outside. Drinking a glass of beetroot juice regularly helps cleanse the body of toxins. It purifies blood, and lead to a healthy glowing skin.
* Skin Lightening 

Dream of getting that fair complexion but scared to try the harmful chemically induced beauty products that the market offers? Well, beetroot is your safe bet then! Drinking the juice regularly and applying 1 tbsp of beetroot juice mixed with 1 tsp of lemon juice for 15 minutes before washing it off at night before you go to bed will work wonders towards lightening your skin complexion.

* Blemishes and Dark Spots Free Skin

Yes, beetroot works amazingly well to remove any dark spots or blemishes from the skin. Just mix it with little tomato juice and apply it on the spots. Alternatively, go ahead and mix up a little beetroot juice with your regular clay mask and see the positive result on those blemishes. They will disappear in no time with routine application. Beetroot is a natural blood purifier, so also treat the cause from inside the body.

* Goodbye Dark Circles

Stress at work or home, insufficient sleeping hours can lead to dark circles and puffy eyes. Regularly applying beetroot juice helps lighten up the dark circles and the puffy eyes. You will feel a lot of relief with the soothing agents present in beetroot juice.