Skin Care Tips And Tricks One Should Follow Every Morning

Some of us have a hard time getting up in the morning, let alone following a skin care routine. But, trust us, if you want your skin to stay youthful looking for longer, you need to follow a skincare routine for both morning and evening.
We have seen that having a routine like this actually helps in waking you up and helping you feel refreshed. It also helps to brighten up your face before. And for those of you ladies who use makeup in the morning, a skin care routine would help your makeup go on a lot smoother.
Never put on makeup without washing your face first, as the dirt from the night that was on your face would get stuck there with the makeup and that would end up clogging your pores and then causing breakouts.
So, here's a skincare routine that you must follow during the day time.
1. Wash:
Wash your face right after you wake up. This will not only freshen you up after your sleep, but it will also get rid of dirt that gets accumulated on your face while you slept. Night creams are very heavy, so they tend to attract more dirt. Use your favourite cleanser. We suggest you stick to a gel or foam cleanser for the day time, as opposed to oil cleansers. Oil cleansers can be used for the night as a part of the double-cleansing method, as you need more heavy-duty cleansing for when you have makeup on, which is mostly evening time.
2. Tone:
A lot of people skip out this step because they do not believe that a toner could be so important. You realize the importance of a toner only when you start using a good one. A good toner is the one which not only closes your pores, but also balances the pH level of your skin, and gets rid of residue of creams and oils from the night before.
It also gently exfoliates your skin by getting rid of the dead skin cells. If you use a toner, you will see a lot of dirt on the cotton ball as well. This is all the dirt that could not be washed away with the cleanser. Now imagine, if you put on a moisturiser without a toner and all that dirt just remains on your face. That is what leads to pimples. Toning also ensures that your moisturiser goes on smoother and stays longer.
3. Moisturize:
Use a light gel-based moisturiser during the day. You would most likely be sweating during the day, so you'd want something very light that does not cause you to sweat even more. Day creams are mostly very light and made to be such, so that makeup can be applied easily on top. If you use a cream that is too heavy, it may melt off. What is worse, it can even make your makeup melt. So, no matter how dry your skin is, stick to a light gel cream for the day time.
4.Eye Cream:
The skin under your eyes is very sensitive and thin. Therefore, it needs an extra bit of moisture. Before you use anything else, you must use an eye cream. This will keep the under-eye area well moisturised and will even prevent crow's feet from appearing. As we all know, the under-eye area is the first area to start showing the signs of ageing. Using an eye cream will ensure that this does not happen too soon.
5. SPF:
An SPF product is a must for when you go out during the day. Even when you don't think it is too bright outside, you need to be using a sunscreen. Using a sunscreen will protect you from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Too much exposure to UV rays will not only cause tanning but it will also make your skin age faster. Not using sunscreen makes you more susceptible to skin cancer. Use an SPF product that is SPF 30 or higher. Some BB creams come with SPF as well, which makes it easy, so that you don't have to layer on too many products. You can get your SPF and coverage in one product.
6. Scrub:
Once a week, you need to use a scrub to exfoliate your skin. This will slough away all the dead skin cells and make your skin look brighter and more alive. Be sure to do this only once every week, as it can be very harsh for your skin if too much exfoliation happens. Be sure to tone your skin as soon as you are done scrubbing.