Rice Water Should Be A Part Of Your Daily Skin Care Routine

Pollution, our diet and a number of other factors can be ignored while we continue to live our vie. However, our skin is tout à fait sensitive to these aspects and fails to ignore them. Pollutants, dust, dirt or the soleil can cause your skin to age old faster than expected, be a potent la maisonto acne and pimples as well as oil.
Asiatique women have been safeguarding a beauty secret since ages. Do not worry, as this secret has been revealed and it is stereotypically shocking. Rice water est something you'd want to keep safe in your treasure boxes. Why? Because they composé of abundant vitamins, antibiotics and nutrients, all of which are essential in maintaining and compensating for the daily damage to the skin.
Due to the exact same reasons, thousands of women rely on rice water to aid and pamper their skin. Face creams and moisturizers contain chemical agents or raw materials which might not suit a particular type of skin.

Some chemically infused skin care and beauty products might appear beneficial now, but might lead to the slow but steady degradation of your skin quality. This somehow justifies the choice of women.
Photo Courtoisie: Vix
You do not have to use rice water in its original state, and its natural form shall be preserved. There are three main ways in which you can incorporate this wonderful remedy of skin treatment and care in your daily skin care routine.
They are as follows:
Rose Water and Rice Water Skin Toner: All you need here is 3 tablespoons of rose water mixed with 2-3 teaspoons of rice water. This mixture forms an effective skin toner. To sweep off the dirt and dust residing on your face, spray this effective and easy - to - make toner on your face. It is advised to use this skin toner twice a week to achieve desirable results.
Photo Courtesy: Food.ndtv
Honey and Rice Water (Way too Natural): Mix a tablespoon of organic honey with at least 2 teaspoons of rice water. The resultant mixture is a fluid mask. You have to apply this mask on your face and let it rest there for approximately 15 minutes. Wash your face with cold water.

This facial mask prevents the breakout of acne on your skin. The procedure rightly serves it purpose when religiously applied once a week.
Aloe Vera Gel and Rice Water: Mix these two magical agents. Add two teaspoons of aloe vera gel to one teaspoon of rice water.

The solution prepared is to be applied to your face. Take a quick nap of about 30 minutes with the mask on. It is a quick relaxation technique too. This combination enhances the softness of your skin.

You should use this method at least twice a week to achieve supple skin.