Get the celebratory glow for the New Years!

A little bit of soins and nurturing is all that it takes to have glowing skin this New Years! Let's read on to know the tricks of the trade.

Here are the quick tips: 
 Rub tomato on the apple of your cheeks for instant glow
Use oats soaked in Lukewarm water as a natural scrubber
Moisturise your skin after sprinkling some water on it
Avoid frequent use of face wash or soap, as this leads to dryness
Drink lots of water and avoid heaters, instead use oil based warmers.
Diet calls
Beauty is inside out; so please remember what you eat will lead to true radiance. Green vegetables, all coloured vegetable fruits, and lentils daily, besides drinking four to five liters of water daily, which helps in flushing away toxins and also circulating good vitamins in the body.