20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow

At no other time do we all desperately wish there was a time machine, than when we have left our Vingt behind! As soon as men and women hit the dreaded 30's, they immediately regret every single time they did not pay attention to their skin. But time, like we all know, stops for nobody. Be it the innocuous white hair, the crow's feet that seem to have apparu out of nowhere, the fine lines near the la bouche devenir more and plus conspicuous - everything seems to tell you just one thing - YOU ARE GROWING OLD!
Ageing is not just a beauty préoccupation; it is a health issue too. A healthy skin is one that delays age, a a natural glow and makes us look younger. So let us understand why ageing happens and what causes it. As we are aware, respiration is the process that allows our body to take in oxygen, which in tour turns the food we manger into energy. It is this process that is called metabolism. Metabolism, cependant releases oxydants or free les radicaux, which, when they begin to accumulate, cause the body to age.
Take, for exemple, one half of an apple that has Ã©té left out in the open for a relatively long time. Notice how its exposed side begins to tour brown and rot? The principle here is the same - over time, the body is beginning to lose its natural glow.
But help is always at hand, inside mom's kitchen! In fact, a number of simple home remedies can be used to slow down the ageing process. Here are some easy homemade tips for anti-ageing.
20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Honey is one of nature secret gifts for age-defying. It is one of the best natural moisturizers and is rich in anti-oxidants or age defying natural chemicals. Did you know that honey never spoils? Yes, you could keep honey in a container for centuries and it would not rot or go bad. In fact, people believe it may contain in it a secret for defying age. Here's how you can use honey as an anti-ageing cosmetic.
½ tbsp of Organic Honey
1. Apply a generous layer of honey on your face and neck; massage gently using circular motion.
2. Leave it on for twenty minutes and rinse your face with tepid water.
Once every two days

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Rose Water Pack
If the pores on the skin remain unclogged for too long, they cause the skin to lose its glow and regenerative properties. Rose water, being a mild astringent, is one the most effective cure for clogged pores. It has a cooling and soothing effect and can reduce puffiness from under the eyes. Here's how to use rose water for anti-ageing.
2 tsp of Rose Water
½ tsp of Lemon Juice
3-4 drops of Glycerin
1 Cotton Ball
1. Mix all the ingredients until they are well blended
2. Dip the cotton ball and gently dab it all over your face. Remember not to wash your face after application
Every alternate night

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Potato Juice
Though potatoes tend to get a bad name for their high glycemic index, raw potatoes are a rich source of vitamin C, which is known to slow down ageing. Vitamin C helps regenerate collagen, which in turns face away fine lines and wrinkles. Here's how to use potato juice to defy age.
1 small Potato
1 Cotton Ball
1. Grate the potato and collect all of it in a muslin cloth; squeeze all the juice into a small bowl
2. Soak the cotton ball in this juice and gently dab all over the face and neck.
3. Leave it on for twenty minutes and wash away with cool water
Use twice a week for best results

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
We might not think much of it, but the ubiquitous banana is one of the rare fruits packed to the brim with anti-ageing compounds like Vitamin A, B and E, as also essential minerals like potassium and zinc, which help retain the youthful glow of our skin
1 ripe Banana
1 tsp of Rose Water
1 tsp of Honey
1 tsp of Yogurt
1. In a medium bowl, chop and mash the banana till you get a smooth paste. Add honey and rosewater and mix well
2. Add yogurt in the end and combine to get a homogeneous paste.
3. Use a brush to spread this face pack evenly all over the face and neck
4. Keep it on for twenty minutes and rinse with cool water
Twice a week for best results

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Carrot And Potato
Rich in Vitamin A, carrots help in regenerating collagen, which in turn fades wrinkles. Combined with potato, which is a rich source of vitamin C, this pack is very effective for fading fine lines that may have appeared. Make sure to use this pack regularly and at the very onset of wrinkles. The quicker your start, the better.
1 small Carrot
1 small Potato
1 pinch of Turmeric
1 pinch of baking soda
1. Boil the carrot and potato, chop them into smaller pieces and blend till you get a smooth paste
2. Add turmeric and baking soda and add just enough water to form a semi solid paste.
3. Use an application brush to apply all over the face and neck
4. Leave it on for twenty minutes and then rinse with warm water
For best results, use this face pack twice a week

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is anti-inflammatory and rich in anti-oxidants, and helps in skin rejuvenation, making your skin smooth and also reducing fine lines and wrinkles
3 tbsp of Coconut Milk
1 Cotton Ball
1. Soak the cotton ball in coconut milk and apply it all over the face.
2. Leave it on the skin for fifteen minutes and rinse with cool water
Use this pack thrice a week

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Almond, Sandalwood And Rosewood Oils
Known as emollients or compounds that soften the skin, these three oils, used in combination, will fade away fine lines and help keep skin ageing at bay.
1 tbsp of Almond Oil
2/3 drops of Rosewood Oil
3-4 drops of Sandalwood Oil
1. Blend all the oils together till you get a homogeneous solution
2. Cleanse your skin and apply it all over face and neck, massaging gently for three minutes
3. Leave for an hour before rinsing off; for best results leave overnight
Repeat the process every night

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Loaded to the brim with anti-oxidants, papaya has been one of the most widely recognized beauty item found in the pantry. It also contains an enzyme called papain that exfoliates the skin and cleans clogged pores.
5/7 pieces of Ripe Papaya
1. Mash the papaya or blend into a smooth paste using very little water
2. Apply it generously over the face and neck
3. Leave it on for twenty minutes and rinse with warm water
For best results, use this pack twice a week

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Natural yogurt contains a mild acid called lactic acid, which helps shrink open pores and tightening the skin. Also, its natural milk fats keep the skin fresh and hydrated.
2 tsp of Yogurt
1 tsp of Honey
1 tsp of Lemon Juice
1 Vitamin E Capsule
1 pinch of Turmeric
1. Mix together lemon juice, yogurt, honey and turmeric till you get a homogeneous paste
2. Carefully cut open the Vitamin E Capsule and pore the oil inside it into the pack; mix till it is well blended
3. Apply it all over the face and neck
4. Leave it on for twenty minutes and rinse with warm water
Repeat the process thrice a week

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Almond And Milk
Almonds being a rich source of Vitamin E, help rejuvenate the skin and keep it soft and hydrated.
8/10 Almonds
Milk for soaking
1. Soak the almonds completely in the milk overnight
2. Blend together the almonds and milk in the blender till you get a smooth paste
3. Apply this paste onto the skin and neck
4. Leave it on for thirty minutes before rinsing
This pack can be applied twice a week ideally

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Not only are strawberries a wonderfully light snack, but also rich in vitamin C and anti-oxidants. They help in production of collagen, which is a restorative compound that helps fade away lines and wrinkles.
3-4 Strawberries
1.Mash or blend the strawberries till you get a smooth homogeneous paste
2. Use an application brush to apply evenly on the face and allow it to sit for twenty minutes
3. Rinse with water at room temperature
Repeat this twice a week

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Another rich source of naturally occurring vitamin E are avocados. It is known to boost skin radiance and is very effective for regeneration of collagen.
1 Avocado
1. Remove the pit of the avocado and mash or blend into a smooth paste
2. Apply this paste evenly on the skin with an applicator brush
3. Leave it on for fifteen minutes and then rinse it off
This pack can be applied once a week

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Flower Mask
The phrase 'Flower Power' didn't just appear out of thin air. Marigold, a common fragrant flower found all over India, has both skin nourishing and moisturizing properties. Roses are known to tone skin and clean clogged pores. Chamomile flowers have a calming effect on the skin.
4 drops of Olive Oil
1 handful of Marigold Petals
1 handful of Rose Petals
1 handful of Chamomile Petals
1. Add all the ingredients to the blender and blend till you get a smooth paste. Add just enough water as to help in pureeing the flowers.
2. Use an applicator brush to apply the mask on the face evenly
3. Keep it on for twenty minutes and then wash it off with cool water
4. Use your regular toner and moisturiser
Follow this process once a week

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Lemon Juice
Nature's natural mild bleaching agent, lemon juice is excellent for an even skin tone and to fade away dark patches caused by ageing.
Freshly squeezed Lemon Juice
1. Apply lemon juice on dark patches, blemishes, age spots and other affected areas all over your skin
2. Leave it on for fifteen minutes and rinse it off
Best when repeated once a day

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Another power-packed and nutrient rich remedy for age defying is pineapple. Its micronutrients and phytochemicals are excellent for fighting even the smallest and earliest signs of ageing.
1 slice of a ripe Pineapple
1. Rub the slice of pineapple gently on your skin for five minutes
2. Allow the juice to act on your skin for ten minutes before washing it off with
Repeat this thrice a week for best results

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Essential Oils
A blend of carefully chosen essential oils can help boost skin regeneration, heal age spots and treat dryness.
5 drops of Sandalwood Oil
5 drops of Rose Geranium Oil
5 drops of Jasmine Oil
5 drops of Neroli Oil (optional)
5 drops of Frankincense Oil (Optional)
1. In a clean, sterilized bottle, mix all the essential oils
2. Apply 2-3 drops on your skin and massage gently till completely absorbed
Best when applied every night

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Glycolic acid, a natural mild acid present in sugarcane juice exfoliates the dead skin cells and also helps the body produce collagen.
2-3 tbsp of Sugarcane Juice
1 pinch of Turmeric
1. Mix the turmeric powder and sugarcane juice
2. Apply on the affected areas like puffy eyes, fine lines and age spots, or the whole face
3. Leave it on for ten minutes and rinse with cold water
For best results, try this pack twice a week

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Egg White
Rich in antioxidants like omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and essential proteins, egg white can help in production of collagen, making the sin firm and smooth
1 Egg White
½ tsp Milk Cream
1 tsp Lemon Juice
1. Mix together all the ingredients and apply evenly on the face
2. Leave it on for fifteen minutes and rinse it off with cold water
Works best when used once in three days

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Amla Powder
Though we may know gooseberries as a hair care product, it is equally beneficial for the skin. One of the richest sourced of Vitamin C known to us, Amla helps in production of collagen in the body.
2 tsp of Amla Powder
1 tsp of Honey
1 tsp of Yogurt
Hot water
1. Mix together honey and yogurt till you get a homogeneous solution.
2. Add amla powder to it and mix till it blends in; add hot water if necessary
3. Apply evenly all over the face and neck
Let it dry for about fifteen minutes and wash it off
Once a week

20 Home Remedies For A Youthful Glow
Castor Oil
Castor oil is a viscous oil that has soothing properties and helps to rid the skin of fine lines and wrinkles. People who have dry skin will greatly benefit from it.
3-4 drops of Castor Oil
1. Take a few drops of Castor oil in your hands and massage into the skin from neck up to the face in upward motion.
2. Leave it on overnight before washing the face the next morning
Use every alternate night for best results