20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight

Weight loss foods do not require any particular ingredients to be made out of. And this is very true, especially in a country like India. India is filled with diversified food items that can help in both weight gain or loss, when it is cooked properly.
Let's now take a look at these amazing food items that can help us with weight loss, which can be found in every Indian kitchen.
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20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#1 Moong Dal
Moong dal belongs to the lentil family and is rich in vitamins A, B, C and many minerals. All these qualities make it a proper substitute for fatty foods and highly recommended by dietitians to help you lose weight. The high-fibre content in this dal helps to make one feel full for a long time and prevents them from overeating. It also accelerates your metabolic rate.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#2 Walnuts
This dry fruit always tops the mom's favourite option and now yours too! A handful of walnuts have almost twice as much antioxidants compared to the other common nuts. This makes it a tasty but healthy snack to munch on, without gaining any calories. It also helps to lower your cholesterol level.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#3 Spinach
Spinach is the green veggie that is rich in water, fibre, vitamins and antioxidants that make it a perfect weight loss food. One cup of spinach just adds up to 10 calories. One cup of spinach will help you feel satiated beyond any cravings. Being a good source of fibre, it speeds up your metabolism too and cleanses your digestive tract.
Also Read: 20 Foods That Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally And Quickly .

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#4 Bitter Gourd
No matter how much one hates these bitter-tasting veggies, we can't ignore the immense health benefits it has. And if it cooked in the right way, it can taste delicious too! Bitter gourd consists of minimal calorie count, making it a perfect diet food. It is also very beneficial for people suffering from blood-related disorders.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#5 Almonds
Almonds have countless benefits. They are very helpful in controlling blood sugar levels. If this level falls, people tend to feel hungry, leading to overeating in them. Blood sugar level also increases the insulin level that leads to abdominal fats. Almonds make a very healthy snack to munch on to when you are getting those hunger pangs!

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#6 Black Beans
As beans are high in fibre content, they help in giving the feeling of fullness and satisfaction, preventing people from overeating. They also contain a fat-burning carb called resistant starch. This assists for a rapid weight-loss process.
Also Read: 10 Foods That Are Extremely Good For Your Teeth.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#7 Cauliflower
Cauliflower is known for its antioxidant properties to fight toxins from the body. It is rich in indoles and thiocyanates that help to flush out all the toxins. Being versatile in nature, it can be cooked in various ways and consumed.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#8 Cinnamon
This is the easiest and effortless way to lose weight. Just consuming half a teaspoon of cinnamon each day can help to lose weight and also lower blood sugar levels. It also helps in fighting diabetes. Cinnamon promotes proper circulation of blood, which assists in the weight-loss process.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#9 Turmeric
Turmeric is the most versatile spice that you can find in the Indian kitchen rack. The curcumin found in turmeric helps to burn the fatty tissues. It also helps to soothe gastric inflammation and other stomach-related disorders.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#10 Garlic
Allicin, which is the chief component of garlic, helps fight cholesterol, insulin and high blood sugar levels. It also helps to regulate and control appetite, making garlic a great weight loss food. In addition to these benefits, it helps to prevent cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#11 Bananas
Bananas form a very healthy part of one's diet and hence can assist in a healthy weight loss process. Banana is good for starters, as they provide the necessary carbs to give more energy and follow a healthy workout regime. The fibre content also helps in keeping hunger pangs away for a long time.
Also Read: 10 Health Benefits Of Flax Seed Oil.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#12 Tomatoes
Tomatoes are very effective weight-loss foods. Every time you consume a banana, your body releases a hormone called cholecystokinin. As a result of this, you tend to feel more full for a longer period of time and prevent yourself from overeating. It boosts your energy and maintains an ideal blood sugar level too.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#13 Olive Oil
Olive oil consists of healthy fats that give the feeling of fullness for a longer period of time. It also contains antioxidants that help to purify the toxins from the body. Apart from weight loss, it is very beneficial for arthritis.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#14 Cabbage
Cabbage is found in almost every continent of the world and is cooked in various ways. It is an ideal food in the sense that it helps cure various skin, eye and body-related disorders. It is very low in calories and high in fibre and that makes it a perfect diet food. It helps you feel full for a longer time.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#15 Eggs
Eggs are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. By consuming eggs with other food items, you limit yourself from the consumption of other complex carbohydrates.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#16 Pears
Ajwain seeds are also known as carom seeds and are pungent in taste with a unique flavour. You can find this in every Indian kitchen. They are a very effective weight loss tool. All you need to do is boil one tablespoon of ajwain seeds and dilute it with water and then consume it throughout the day.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#17 Ajwain Seeds
Ajwain seeds are also known as carom seeds and are pungent in taste with a unique flavour. You can find this in every Indian kitchen. They are a very effective weight loss tool. All you need to do is boil one tablespoon of ajwain seeds and dilute it with water and then consume it throughout the day.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#18 Lauki Or Bottle Gourd
Lauki is an Indian vegetable that is used in various recipes. It is loaded with fibre that helps to satiate your hunger pangs and keeps you full for longer periods. It is virtually fat free, so you can consume as much as you want of it.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#19 Dalia
Dalia is also referred to as broken wheat universally and is very helpful for losing weight. It makes a very good breakfast food and the fibre content in dalia makes you feel full for a really long time. It also boosts your digestion, hence leading to a faster metabolic rate and slimmer body.

20 Indian Foods To Lose Weight
#20 Buttermilk
This one is the favourite weight loss food of all times, as it is the most delicious beverage prepared from yogurt and spices. It has great digestive properties, hence increasing your metabolism. It has less fat compared to milk, making it a perfect weight loss food.